Monday, September 19, 2011


Who do you follow?
Jesus said two simple but profound words: "FOLLOW ME".
We live in a culture that thrives on telling us, what to do, how to do it, just do it...and on and on.  Who is leading you today?  Who has your ear?  I confess that more than not this world and its leaders, or bosses or friends has my ear-I find myself following their voice.  It DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!  I have to put my hands over my ears and say NO!  I then, need to be quiet, and listen to the calm, sure, confident and leading voice of my Savior say "follow Me"-
May I challenge us both to follow the heart of Jesus, His words, His ways and learn to drown out the voice of this world and the noise of "just do it"?
Who do you follow?
Who are you listening to?

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