Did you hear the news? Scrabble has decided to change it's rules for a less literate culture. Now, I am not a skilled scrabble player, my husband LOVES the game...but I could not believe my ears when I heard them talking about these new rules. The report said that many will not allow these new rules in play, but the game wants to reach the new generation, to be hip...now I may be an old fuddy duddy...but it got me to thinking...
What if our faith did the same thing? Is this what Churches are doing in our day? Changing with the tide...Pastors who are not shepherds but rather "CEO's" of the "new generation" way of Church. Places of worship that ride the next big tide of "what's hip"...forgetting that our Savior does not change, His grace does not change, His Holiness does not change...He tells us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)! Ahhh, now that is refreshing Truth...
Now, back to my game of Scrabble...with the original rules :0)