Friday, December 3, 2010

Triangles and Other Things~

Today I had the privilege of going to Orchestra Hall with my 6th grade daughter we went to hear a concert based on "sleigh bell" masterpieces. In the adventure of our day I learned a few things along the way.
1) Girls who are 10, 11 and 12 years old DO NOT need makeup on their beautiful faces, some of the lovely girls I saw at school looked WAY too old beyond their years~Maybe we could encourage our daughters to see the BEAUTY that God has created and hold off on the "paint" til waaaay later in life :D
2) Triangles MAKE the orchestra come alive! I'm not joking...I played percussion for 12 years and sometimes we would fight over who got to play the triangle because that puppy rings over EVERYTHING and you feel like you are being called home for rest, comfort and food...or something like that!
3) As I watched the Conductor I could not help but think of God~I watched people with such a passion for their particular instrument, playing it with love and care and zest-but the Conductor saw the big picture and had a passion for all of the instruments blended together...he saw the big picture of what the piece was supposed to sound like-bringing the music to LIFE...How like our CREATOR to orchestrate HIS creation-blending every person and their unique gift mix for HIS GLORY without a doubt the most BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE of all.
Random thoughts I know...but that's how I'm rolling tonight :o)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Being Grateful

Count your blessings name them one by one~

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Willow Link

Meant to put the link in- :D

Simplicity BEYOND the Complexity

I often long for just the basics of glitz, no glamour-just give me the Word! I had the opportunity to be reminded this week that God is at work using willing hearts and simple items to share His Redeeming Love. The Power and Life Changing Grace of Jesus does not need a script, lights, sound or just needs to be shared! If you have never seen the clipboard ministry check out this past Sunday from Willowbrook...pretty cool!

Why oh why do we here in America make things more complex than need be?

Monday, June 14, 2010

if only-LIFE-what if

It seems that there are moments I am living my life between "if only" and "what if". I believe it is time to stop living in the tween and bust out in the full! I am fully aware that growing pains do not stop just because we are adults, in fact, spiritually speaking, the hardest growing pains take shape in the here and now. I confess I have spent to many minutes wondering "what if I had what my neighbors have" or "if only I could be on the road with my music" many precious brain cells and moments have washed away in that frame of mind?

More and more I want my life to be about JESUS-not about me-that no matter how I'm feeling or what my circumstance I find my contentment in HIM! This life is fleeting and flying faster than my mind can grasp and I am ready to open the door and wave goodbye to "what if" and "if only"...Bye Bye Now!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Lead or...

I love being a Worship Pastor, I feel grateful, humbled, privileged and sometimes unqualified...This weekend was one of those moments...I looked at my husband and said "how do you lead in difficult moments...cancer, financial loss, job loss, longing to have name it...we (the land of the living) are walking through it, and I don't want to stand and sing songs that seem cliche or to stand up in front and say I have answers that I don't...sometimes it is hard to lead... take last night, I was reading in Exodus (2nd book in the Bible) where God asked Moses to go tell Pharaoh to "Let my people go"...well, Moses felt very unqualified, but God told him He would be with him and would be at work (Wendy Paraphrase) after many attempts at telling Pharaoh to release God's people and after many NO's...Moses felt discouraged and felt like an unqualified leader...the Israelites were scared and the future was unknown AND YET God said...Trust Me and See what I will do...

Indeed God is the unchanging One in this process called life...He knows each of our tomorrows...He tell us "not to worry" and to "Fear Not"...admittedly hard to do in our own human strength...Our very help comes from the we can lift our heads with confidence and start to see that He is LEADING, He KNOWS and He SEES...

I copied this from the blog of a Worship Pastor and thought I would share it here...pretty powerful stuff

In Scripture, God never gives us the command to praise him without giving us reasons to do so. In Psalm 150 we’re told to praise God for his mighty deeds and his excellent greatness. We see the same thing in Psalm 103, where David tells us to bless the Lord and then gives us multiple reasons why. Here’s what he says:
Psa. 103:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,
3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
5 who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
9 He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever.
10 He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
13 As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.
14 For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. random thoughts...if you are still reading this :D
Let's lift our eyes to the One who is SAVIOR the One who has REDEEMED us from the pit...the One who has shown COMPASSION to His children and to the One who's MERCIES are NEW EVERY MORNING~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Say it ain't "so" or "sew"

Did you hear the news? Scrabble has decided to change it's rules for a less literate culture. Now, I am not a skilled scrabble player, my husband LOVES the game...but I could not believe my ears when I heard them talking about these new rules. The report said that many will not allow these new rules in play, but the game wants to reach the new generation, to be I may be an old fuddy duddy...but it got me to thinking...

What if our faith did the same thing? Is this what Churches are doing in our day? Changing with the tide...Pastors who are not shepherds but rather "CEO's" of the "new generation" way of Church. Places of worship that ride the next big tide of "what's hip"...forgetting that our Savior does not change, His grace does not change, His Holiness does not change...He tells us that He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)! Ahhh, now that is refreshing Truth...

Now, back to my game of Scrabble...with the original rules :0)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Doubt It

Listening to the radio today, I heard a Pastor talk about the appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection. It's exciting to read and is found in the Gospels of the New Testament. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene early Sunday Morning, He appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and He appeared to the disciples when Thomas wasn't there.
Now, Thomas was in deep sorrow, trying to comprehend how this One he followed and loved could have been murdered...not quite understanding all Jesus was trying to tell him in times previous...he choose to be alone and not in the midst of other "believers"...What a day to miss "Church"...Jesus appeared and Thomas was not there.
when Thomas heard that Jesus had come, Thomas could, would not believe it. He said that he needed to see with his own eyes, to touch the scars...I love this part of the story...Jesus appeared a week later to the disciples when Thomas was there! The Bible says that the doors were locked, but Jesus stood in the midst of them...HOW COOL IS THAT! Jesus encouraged Thomas to come, see, feel, touch...(John 20:26-31)...Thomas worshipped and said "my Lord and my God". Jesus blessed him for seeing and believing...but said how much greater for those who have not seen and yet believe!
Jesus of course appeared to many others...but I love that when Thomas retreated to grieve and be alone in his sorrow, even in the the middle of his doubt...Christ showed up...He did not leave him there.
I know we all have moments of fear, doubt maybe even a struggle to comprehend where God is...but let us STAND on the promise that Jesus does not forsake us...leave us...or allow us to stay in the moment of unbelief...HE SHOWS UP! HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW! That my friend is GOOD NEWS!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today Was The Day

Today was one of those "Really Great Days" Although the morning held a few challenges...God was good and leading worship went well...I have such a great team of people to work with!
Our guest Pastor was really fun to listen to...he had a gift for bringing History to life and bridging the Old to the New~
...after Church...the sun was shining and it was beautiful out...Jeff and I even got a "little" date out to the DQ...just the 2 of us :0)
Now, the wonderful blessings are snuggled into their beds, awaiting sleep so that we are ready for a new week filled with possibility!

Re-read the story of Jesus coming into Jerusalem...What a God we serve!
Luke 19

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, my wonderful parents have had our 4 blessings since Monday...Happy Happy Joy Joy! Jeff and I have had a WONDERFUL time of dating without the cost of babysitters or wondering if the kids are "getting along"...we've enjoyed our very quiet home (I forgot a home could be so quiet LOL) and we have really appreciated the time of being together...It's been good!

Now, our blessing return tomorow and I know chaos will ensue...but I am ready to say...BRING IT ON :0)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I love the Winter Olympics! I've been watching all of these amazing athletes and it amazes me how just one loss of focus can make all of the training and lifetime of work crumble to nothing. Makes me think of my life in Christ...Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes "fixed" on Jesus who is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith...I know that when I take my "focus" off of my Savior...all I've learned, all I've grown in...crumbles.

Oh how great the desire to never lose the focus and to persevere, when I do stumble to have the strength through Christ to get back up and walk on... so that one day I will hear my King say..."Well done thy good and faithful servant"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Once Upon A Time (14 years ago to be exact) Jeff and Wendy went for a hike in the woods to a glorious cabin (a mouse infested little building). It was a beautiful, Snowy, January Day with the sun shining and wind blowing. The hike out to the cabin was wonderful. This " glorious cabin" as Jeff remembered it (Wendy knew it as a hunting shack for her uncles) was the place he asked Wendy to be his wife, she said yes! Such a happy day (even the mice were rejoicing). The time came for Jeff and Wendy to hike back to the car. The wind was howling and the snow was blowing and the sun was setting. Jeff and Wendy encountered 5 ft drifts on their way back (not bad unless you are only 5'2" on a good day). Jeff and Wendy made it back to the car and slowly drove away, back towards Wendy's Grandma's home where steak was waiting for them. This was the last steak Wendy ever made Jeff. Such a sad thought...

Jeff and Wendy are still married and remember fondly back on that day. Jeff and Wendy now have 4 beautiful kids who do not let one mundane day go is FULLY lived and each day is not boring. Jeff and Wendy are so grateful to God for his leading and His mercy and His strength and His love! Amazing it is!!!

P.S. Jeff and Wendy would still say "I Do" in a wonderful snow filled heartbeat!

Monday, January 18, 2010


On Sunday I lead Worship and we sang a song called "Hosanna" I lead the congregation, I found out that I lead them in singing about selfish faith instead of selfless faith. WHOA NELLY!!!! A simple typo is not so simple. Such a Wendy moment if ever there was one LOL...but I thought that sometimes in this journey with Christ...I have had a selfish faith...a desire for life to go smoothly, things to go my way-instead of living a life that cost all I have for my Savior.

What life of faith are you living? Selfish or selfless? I know my desire is to live a life of less self and more of Jesus...Period.

Well, just a glimpse into the life of leading worship at NEVER know what might get sung :0)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Heart for Haiti

Things have a way of making all else seem less as important than once thought. After seeing the devastation in Haiti, my life seems fine, my kids are healthy, even in the stress of everyday life...nothing compares to what has happened to these dear people.

These are the moments that faith and trust must stand strong, trusting that God is in control...knowing He sees tomorrow from that in ALL things He can work (Romans 8:28)

Our challenge is to now respond in a tangible way...of course we should be lifting all these people up...but there are ways to send help and funds for those who will be going directly to the people...let's now hesitate to respond.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Never Said~

Our Staff meeting on Tuesday inspired a song...must have been listening because I came away with this...I'd like to share it with you-

NEVER SAID-Wendy Gordy

Created for a purpose, designed for a plan
That's what I've been led to believe
More than I can handle will never come my way
So why am I driven to my knees

All the people, with wisdom, they try to impart
But I am beginning to see

You have never said that life would be easy and I would be fine
You have never said this load that I bear would be fair or kind
but You say, You'll go with me
and You say, You'll never leave me
Is it True?

Caught unaware, led down a path that's too good to be true
Dreams unfold but never come true, how can this be, what will I do

Cause all these voices with wisdom, they try to impart
but I am beginning to see

You have never said that life would be easy and I would be fine
You have never said this load that I bear would even compare

To Your death on the Cross
The pain, the agony...all for me
Help me clarify twisted truths-partial lies

Cause You have never said that life would be easy and I would be fine
You have never said this load that I bear would be fair or kind
but You say, You'll go with me
You say, You'll never leave me

This Is Truth

In this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer
In this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer
I Have Overcome!

WholeInOne Music 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010


2 Corinthians 5:17-
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old has gone, the NEW has come!

Nothing like a reminder that we are NEW in Christ Jesus. I don't know how your 2009 was-but I have many friends who were glad to see it go. I on the other hand always get a little sad to see days, years, decades fade away so fast...BUT I love that God is always working, He never changes, He is making all things NEW including you and me! Amen and Amen!!!

I hope that 2010 is a year in which our faces are turned toward Jesus, that our eyes will be fixed on Him as He leads; that we grow in His Word and become more and more like Him...Oh what a people we could be if we would do this each day we have breath.