Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bowling 101

It was my Birthday today, and we thought we would celebrate by going bowling with the kids! Our church has bowling night every Monday, and tonight was the end celebration with Pizza and Pop...I tell ya, what could be better!

Well, our 9 yr old daughter released her bowling ball and then turned her back, she didn't watch to see what the result would be...she got a STRIKE~but she didn't believe us when we told her. It was all we could do to convince her that the X on the score board was right.

I think that my walk with Jesus is sometimes like Hannah's bowling experience. I often feel as though I take a step, do what I think is "my part", taking my eyes off of my Savior, ...turn and walk the other way going on with the "chores of life"

I want so much less of me and MORE OF JESUS...every day! The older I get the more I am seeing that the pursuit of Jesus is everything...I want my kids to see a Godly woman who's eyes are fixed on Jesus, a Godly wife who is biblically submissive to her husband, A Godly mom who is teaching and training what it means to live a life of integrity.... Most days, I'm afraid I throw the "bowling ball and turn away" but by the grace of God...I will start seeing the completion of the strike!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Only one artist...like this!

Okay, all who have ever met me probably know that I really, REALLY like Steven Curtis Chapman! I am a huge respector of the gifts God has given him, and I believe even more important than the music is the way he consistently lives out his life to the Glory of God the Father!

Way to receive ARTIST OF THE YEAR Mr. Chapman!!! Well deserved!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Strayed Away

Isaiah 53:5-6
~He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

It's been a few hours now since our Good Friday Service ended. It was a nice service, the music flowed well, the message was good...but as I drove home I wondered if we have strayed away from the seriousness of what Good Friday really means.
Now I get excited about Easter Morning, the Celebration of Jesus and His Resurrection, the Power of our King conquering sin and death... but I wonder if my generation lacks a soberness, even a somberness for what our Savior went through before the resurrection- I felt tonight like we don't know how to handle Good Friday...should we be sad?, is it tradition?, is it wrong to be happy?...

As people were planning their meal plans for after the service, or weekend activities, it just left me wondering~wondering why we don't tear up when we read the verses describing what Jesus went through. He was beaten beyond recognition...He died a HORRIBLE death...I want to remember, I want to take it serious, I don't want to keep up the same pace the world has set for me, I want to take it all in...for what joy can there be on Easter if we don't take a moment to remember, to be silent, and somber...in realizing just what our Savior endured for each of us, that we might have life everlasting.