Saturday, March 28, 2009


So...just got back from seeing the new moving "MONSTERS VS ALIENS" with my kids. It was a movie that had us all laughing out loud! As I watched the movie it dawned on me that there was a spiritual analogy...if you will...
You see, the main character discovers that what is on the outside does not make up who you are...yes, it's the physical characteristics that people see...but it's not who you really are...but the heart of a you're talking. I love how God tells us that He looks at the heart of a person (...The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the HEART. 1 Samuel 16:7~ emphasis mine) and not the all boils down to our heart...who are we really? The outside can tell many lies, can it not?
Oh, how I long to see the heart of people AND to live as a person who is authentic outwardly and inwardly...who you see if who you get! God talks alot about our hearts in His word...I'm in need of "Heart Surgery" daily I'm afraid...but Praise God He is the Great Physician!!!
Okay, so "MONSTERS VS ALIENS" a fun movie...laugh out loud funny...and maybe, just maybe a nugget of Truth for all of us to ponder~